MAGIQ Council Management
Improve business efficiency and reduce complexity with a single system to meet the diverse operational and regulatory requirements of Local Authorities

End-to-End Management
End-to-End Management

Achieve full compliance and customer service excellence with end-to-end business processes.

Enjoy knowing your operational, governance and regulatory compliance requirements are being fully met - while being completely confident your business processes are also time and resource efficient.
Single Source of Truth

Protect data integrity and accuracy with a single, centralised place for all business information.

Deep integration across the MAGIQ Cloud Platform delivers a single, accurate source of truth across all stakeholder, land, property, asset, names and address information.
Single Source of Truth

Regulatory Management

Meet local regulatory and statutory requirements simply and efficiently.

Statutory and regulatory processes are simplified and streamlined using automated workflows with the ability for digital lodgements with the relevant government agencies. Efficiently administer your diverse local laws, permits and licenses to minimise risk across Council and deliver an excellent customer experience.

Property Management

Efficiently manage your ratepayer relationships with easy access to accurate data.

Powerful search capabilities and spatial views together with highly flexible and customisable data fields at the parcel level deliver an efficient and high quality customer experience.

Automated Workflows

Deliver brilliant customer service with streamlined business processes.

Automated workflows and streamlined communication processes with all stakeholders ensure high quality completion of building applications, consents, licences and permits within a highly transparent environment.

Australian Regulatory

Animal Infringements

Animal Management

Bin Collection

Building Permits




Licensed Practitioners


Food Act Licenses


Planning Permits

Plumbing Permits

Property Certificates

Sundry Infringements

Swimming Pools

New Zealand Regulatory

Animal Infringements

Animal Management

Building Consents


Compliance Schedules

Electoral Roll

Environmental Monitoring





Parking Infringements

Resource Consents

Sundry Infringements

Swimming Pools


Property Information


"At the end of the day business systems are all about making people’s jobs easier for them and MAGIQ does a great job of delivering that."
IT Manager, Otorohanga District Council