The Challenge
Council was finding it difficult to efficiently meet the information needs of its remote community. A number of people in the community, including the elected representatives, were experiencing issues and long delays, and inevitably becoming very frustrated, when trying to access large documents or files via email.
The Solution
Longreach chose to implement the MAGIQ Documents Publishing Portal; providing its community with secure and convenient access to Council documents via the web.
The Benefit
Councilors, Committee Members and other members of the public can now easily access and download documents such as Council reports, meeting agendas and minutes to deliver more efficient collaboration. MAGIQ Documents also helps Council to effectively control its business risk by ensuring all documents are managed in real time, in a single place, providing complete confidence that everyone is accessing the current version of a document.
Kate Wright, Records Officer:
All of our documents are stored and maintained centrally in MAGIQ Documents and any changes made are instantly available in real-time. That gives everyone complete confidence that they are always accessing the latest version of a document.